More internals documentation
Emmanuel Oga
2018-11-09 23:47:14 UTC

I found this excellent documentation:


It mentions that it may be out of date (apparently the document is more or
less exactly 10 years old!).

I was wondering if there are other complimentary docs or presentation I
should watch to learn more about kawa implementation and in general how to
compile scheme to java.

Per Bothner
2018-11-10 00:01:05 UTC
Post by Emmanuel Oga
It mentions that it may be out of date (apparently the document is more or
less exactly 10 years old!).
Actually, 20 years old, but it looks like the last update was 2009.
It could do with some work, but it's still a helpful overview.
Post by Emmanuel Oga
I was wondering if there are other complimentary docs or presentation I
should watch to learn more about kawa implementation and in general how to
compile scheme to java.
Not that I know. You can study the code, of course, but I'm sure
it can be a bit overwhelming.
--Per Bothner
***@bothner.com http://per.bothner.com/
Emmanuel Oga
2018-11-10 01:49:47 UTC
Are there any changes from the top of your head in architecture that you
would highlight?
Post by Per Bothner
Post by Emmanuel Oga
It mentions that it may be out of date (apparently the document is more
Post by Emmanuel Oga
less exactly 10 years old!).
Actually, 20 years old, but it looks like the last update was 2009.
It could do with some work, but it's still a helpful overview.
Post by Emmanuel Oga
I was wondering if there are other complimentary docs or presentation I
should watch to learn more about kawa implementation and in general how
Post by Emmanuel Oga
compile scheme to java.
Not that I know. You can study the code, of course, but I'm sure
it can be a bit overwhelming.
--Per Bothner
Per Bothner
2018-11-10 03:12:45 UTC
Post by Emmanuel Oga
Are there any changes from the top of your head in architecture that you
would highlight?
There are some more complicated passes in the various ExpVisitor (tree-walking) passes.
Most the complicated stuff happens in InlineCalls, but there are some complex
stuff happening in FineInlineCalls and elsewhere. I don't think the internals
doc covers that very well.
--Per Bothner
***@bothner.com http://per.bothner.com/